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A Great New Toolbox for Diamond Drillers

25 de enero de 2023

2023 Accesorios de perforación

Posted by Rod McCoremick

Every driller understands the importance of having the right tools on the site in order to be able to do the job efficiently and safely. We’ve already done a blog on how to organize your drilling project and how to create a list of everything you need. So, we’re happy to tell you about a product for drillers that includes hand-picked tools to improve drilling performance.

This Bit Testing Toolbox is a durable plastic case that includes the following tools:

Flow meter and fittings:  This accurately measures the flow of the water down the drill rod to the bit. It will not account for leakage due to worn threads or damaged equipment.


Water flow is a very important drilling parameter that should always be monitored.

Tachometer: This tool counts rotation speed. It comes with a reflective sticker, when attached to the rotation head or drill rod, allows the tach to count the revolutions.


Rotation speed is another drilling parameter that should always be monitored.

Rock hardness scratch picks: To be able to know the hardness of the rock and choose the best matrix for the core bit, you need a hardness scratch kit that comes with a selection of picks.


The picks will tell you the hardness according to the Mohs scale Core bit and reaming shell OD gauges (B, N, H):  These gauges (also known as go/no-go gauges) will help drillers understand when their tooling has lost its gauge.

Core bits or reaming shells that have lost their gauge can cause a lot of in-hole problems, and need to be replaced.


Digital caliper:  A caliper like this is an ideal tool for accurately measuring things like core diameter, smaller parts, length of thread and more.


Knife and measuring tape: A measuring tape is another way to measure items and the knife is useful for all kinds of things like cutting tape on core boxes.

Permanent marker: It’s always a good idea to have a permanent marker for writing on core boxes, diamond tools, or testing equipment.  


All these tools come in a custom-made plastic case. With it, drillers are able to measure the performance of their drilling operation. Once drilling performance is measured, steps can be taken to improve performance and to address drilling issues and find solutions to drilling problems. The Bit Testing Toolbox helps drillers become more independent.


To order yours, you simply need to speak with your representative. If you have questions about any of the tools included, you can always reach out to a member of our technical support team. They are ready and available to share their expertise.