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Our Free Guide to Core Bit Configurations Has Been Updated

Posted by Rod McCoremick, Blog author, Fordia Powered by Epiroc

29 de junio de 2021

At the beginning of the year, we decided to update our popular eGuides so our customers would have the latest and greatest information. We started with our most popular guide on choosing the right core bit and are now in the process of taking each guide and updating its information to represent the many changes that have occurred over the last few years. Our product lines have been changing and we have merged our product lines with those of Epiroc so we want to make sure you’re getting relevant information.

Choosing a core bit configuration can be complicated – there are many options, and it can become confusing. We wrote the guide to try and explain the complexities. Our configurations have particular names, and Epiroc configurations have their own names. In this new version of the guide, we have included both, along with handy sketches, diagrams and charts to help you pick the best configuration for you drilling project. Over the course of this year, we will be updating our most popular guides and I will be posting the updates in this blog. We’ll also try to publish a couple of new ones. You can see all our informative guides here.


If you’re one of the many who have downloaded our Fundamental Guide to Core Bit Configurations, we thank you and invite you to download the new free version of the guide. As always, our goal is to make drilling easier and improve performance. Remember that our technical team is also ready and able to answer questions and provide guidance regarding any drilling issues you may be experiencing.

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