The 2000 Meter Club: A New Game Just for Drillers

posted by the Epiroc Exploration & OreBody Solutions team

December 30, 2020

Happy holidays to everyone. The holidays are almost over, and the New Year is around the corner. By now, a lot of you will have received our holiday gifts and one of those gifts is a card game called the 2,000 Meter Club. Maybe it was the quarantine, but we got inspired and came up with an idea to turn a famous game into a core drilling version. Diamond drilling is not the most well-known of industries so it’s pretty great that there is now a game that was created just for you.

The 2,000 Meter Club is a card game based on the popular game “Mille Bornes” created in the 1950s. Mille Bornes was published in several languages including French English and Spanish. In the original version of the game, the players are in a road race of 1,000 miles (or kilometers) and the goal is to finish the race first. As the game progresses, players come across several types of cards: hazards that slow you down, remedies to those hazards, safeties that prevent the hazards, and distance cards that allow you to advance.

In the drilling version, you still have a race, but your goal is to drill 2,000 meters. Just like in the original version, you find the same type of cards, but these cards have been made specific to core drilling. So, the hazard cards are now drilling problems such as rod wear, where the solution card is a metal-based compound, and the safety card is a kryptonite rod.  For the problem of hole deviation, the solution card is a full-hole core barrel, and the safety card is an auto-steer core barrel.  Finally, if you draw the stuck in the hole card, the solution card would be the Owl fishing tool and the safety card would be a Delorean drill rig that goes back in time.



Other cards include distance cards that represent the number of meters you can drill in certain types of ground, a drill card that gives you a new core bit, a stop card that means you have a burnt bit and an infinity bit that never burns or wears out – a major advantage.

Play the game on your break or lunchtime. Take it home and play it there. Aside from playing with your drilling buddies, colleagues at work, this is a great way to explain diamond drilling to friends, spouses and other family members.

If you have some time off over the holidays, give it a try. If you haven’t seen the game and would like to get a copy, simply contact And if you’ve received your copy, let us know what you think. We’d love to hear your comments. We’d also like to take this opportunity to wish you all a safe and happy new year.

2020 Fordia