DiscovOre Prime P Surface

The DiscovOre Prime is a revolutionary coring system developed for drillers by drillers that is safer and faster than other available systems.


Like the regular DiscovOre, the Prime has built-in safety features that automatically engage and do not require additional manual steps, making it easier to assemble and disassemble. Lighter than the regular DiscovOre in P size, the Prime is easier for drillers to handle. 


 - No spring pins and no spearhead  - Automatic locking overshot 
 - Robust latches and spindle - Improved conversion head for all hole orientations
 - Improved latch engagement - Stabilized bearing assembly



Additionally, the Prime is faster than the DiscovOre, with a descent speed that is up to twice as fast as the L-Latch. Its increased inner tube retrieval speed leads to a quicker drilling cycle time and less wear and tear on wireline.


The DiscovOre Prime is a premium product with a payback that can be achieved within a couple of days depending on drilling conditions. Contact your sales representative to inquire about the return on investment specific to your operations. 

DiscovOre Prime P | Assembly part list

DiscovOre Prime P | Case part list

Improved safety
Greater speed
Increased productivity


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