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Locking Couplings

Fordia offers a selection of locking couplings, the part of the core barrel that is found on the upper part of the outer tube. The locking coupling adapts the core barrel outer tube to the drill rods and locks the head assembly to the outer tube so that the head assembly turns with the outer tube when drilling. It also stabilizes the upper section of the core barrel, minimizing hole deviation and some types can protect the hole diameter if the reaming shell loses its gauge.


Knowledge of your ground conditions will help determine which type of locking coupling will provide the best results.



This conventional coupling comes in full hole size and comes equipped with tungsten carbide pads for better stabilization. A good choice for ground where not much deviation is expected.



Also known as a full-hole coupling, the hexagonal coupling has a circumference that is made of 4-6 sections providing good stabilization. The hexagonal locking coupling is used in conjunction with a full hole outer tube to control bore hole deviation by stabilizing the core barrel.


Heavy duty

This locking coupling comes with a more resistant matrix pad on the body that is embedded with tungsten carbide grit as well as tungsten carbide pads and provides even better stabilization of the core barrel.

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We are happy to announce that as of August 2, 2021, all Canadian Fordia offices will be making drill rigs available to their customers. In an earlier blog this year, we announced that drill rigs would be available for sale in the USA and that proved to be successful, so Canada will now join the USA in adding drill rigs to their portfolio of drilling equipment for the mineral exploration industry.

The mineral exploration industry has seen a lot of change in the last few years. One of the most common challenges is finding employees. Between the cyclic nature of the industry and the recent pandemic, many experienced drillers have left and replacing them has been difficult for many companies.

At the beginning of the year, we decided to update our popular eGuides so our customers would have the latest and greatest information. We started with our most popular guide on choosing the right core bit and are now in the process of taking each guide and updating its information to represent the many changes that have occurred over the last few years.

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